If you can't find the information you need to do your job, then what is the real cost of poor data management?
There is no reason you shouldn't be able to find and access up-to-date product information that you need without having to interrupt other departments.
For those of you who do not have direct access to CAD designs and product information from the engineering department, the right product data management (PDM) solution can share visual representations from multiple CAD systems through simple-to-use technology.
We show you what kind of PDM tools you should consider using as well as apps that help you securely access that data anytime, anywhere - whether it's from your desktop, tablet, or mobile device.
Let's explore better and simpler ways to combat poor data management in order to increase productivity in the workplace.
Presentation by:
Todd Liebenow
Technical Account Manager
EAC Product Development Solutions
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14501 Judicial Road, Suite 10, Burnsville, MN 55306, USA
(888) 225-7579 • https://eacpds.com